Gambling is fun and should be enjoyed during your spare time as a leisure activity. However, some players get carried away and don’t keep their eye on the clock. And this is when trouble begins. In order not to sink into the hole of gambling addiction, we have prepared a list of some time management tips that will keep you on the straight and narrow, and assist you to gamble for fun and keep it that way.
- Set Clear Time Limits One of the most effective ways to manage your online casino time is to set clear, non-negotiable limits on your play. Consider creating daily or weekly time budgets for gaming, and stick to them rigorously. Many players find success using phone timers or alarms to signal when it's time to take a break. Additionally, take advantage of time-tracking features offered by many NZ online casinos. These tools can help you stay aware of how long you've been playing and prompt you to stop when you've reached your predetermined limit.
- Plan Your Gaming Sessions Rather than logging on spontaneously, try planning your casino sessions in advance. Allocate specific time slots during the week for gaming, just as you would for any other recreational activity. Set a predetermined length for each session, whether it's 30 minutes or an hour, and commit to sticking to this schedule.
- Prioritise Life Responsibilities Make sure that your essential tasks and commitments always come first. Make it a rule to complete work, chores, and family obligations before turning to online casino games. This approach helps you maintain a healthy balance and can make your gaming sessions more enjoyable, as you'll be free from the nagging feeling that you should be doing something else.
You could even consider using casino play as a reward for finishing your responsibilities. Create a daily to-do list and allow yourself to game only once all tasks are checked off. - Recognise Signs of Excessive Play Awareness of potential red flags that your gaming habits may become problematic is essential to responsible play. Watch out for signs such as frequently losing track of time while playing, skipping responsibilities or social events to continue gaming, feeling anxious or irritable when not playing, or consistently spending more time or money than planned.
If you notice these signs in your behaviour, it may be time to reassess your gaming habits and reduce your play time. - Utilise Casino Time Management Features Take advantage of the responsible gaming tools offered by many New Zealand online casinos. These often include session reminders, daily and weekly time limits, and self-exclusion options for when you need a break. Explore the responsible gaming sections of your favourite online casinos and activate these features to tailor your experience. These tools can provide an extra layer of support in managing your gaming time effectively.
- Practice Mindful Gaming Approach your casino sessions with awareness and intention. Stay present and focused during play, paying attention to your actions, emotions, and time spent. Regularly check in with yourself to ensure you're still enjoying the experience.
- Balance Gaming with Other Hobbies Maintaining various interests outside of online casino gaming is crucial for a well-rounded lifestyle. Engage in sports, reading, or socialising with friends to ensure that gaming doesn't become your sole leisure activity. This balance can also help prevent boredom, which often leads to excessive gaming as a default pastime.
- Seeking Help When Needed If you find it difficult to manage your gaming time or feel that your casino play is becoming unmanageable, don't hesitate to seek help. New Zealand offers several support services for those struggling with gaming habits, including the New Zealand Gambling Helpline (0800 654 655) and various local support groups and counseling services. Remember, seeking help early is always better than waiting for the situation to escalate. There's no shame in reaching out for support to ensure that your gaming habits remain healthy and enjoyable.